Summer's end


So we managed two weeks at The Pines in August

I have put lots of photos of our trip on my latest post over on my Everyday life Blog here.

We managed some decorating too...

The chair and footstool was unpacked. This will be in our 'reading corner' of the lounge. We talked to our lovely builder, Rob about a few extra jobs we want him to do.

Not sure I ever put this plan on for gives an idea of the lay out. (It is not quite accurate measurement wise)

We have managed a few weekends at the Pines since our holiday, to decorate and make some decisions.

The border tile will be replaced with a turquoise mosaic. 

We picked the tiles for the shower and spent an hour with the kitchen planner and decided on the components of our new kitchen.

Dove grey doors, brush metal handles (not shown in photo above) Dark grey marble worktop and olive green splash back.

We bought a rather splendid light for the landing to hang over the stairs (from

I had to leave the choosing of the flooring to Olly as he was in Wales while I was recovering from Covid at home.

A grey wood effect vinyl for the lounge and kitchen (all downstairs) and a mid grey carpet for stairs, landing and bedrooms and a subtle grey tile vinyl in the bathroom. 

The walls and ceilings have all now had at least one coat of white emulsion...we are thinking later we might do a feature wall either with a strong paint colour or wall paper but we have not made any decisions yet.
The spare bedroom


  1. Lots done in travel and home improvements. I hope you are fully recovered from the Covid virus and that the rennovations progress smoothly.


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